Standard Ball & Tang Drive Tap Adapter (NTA)
- Available for ANSI, DIN, ISO & JIS standards
- Quick change design
- Coolant Through
- Interchangeable with most Bilz style holders

Collet Style Tap Adapters (CSTA)
- Accepts standard ER collets
- Recommended for carbide taps
- Available with or without a coolant inducer
- Recommended for through coolant tapping
- Use with a rigid or radial floating (SC1) holder if a sealed coolant system is required
- NEW Series 3 ER40 collet style adapter now available
View Collet Style Adapters
View Collet Style Adapter with Coolant Inducer

Adjustable Length & Reducing Tap Adapters (NTLA)
- Adapter length can be adjusted up to 10mm for preset.
- Extensions (TMS-EXT) for additional reach or part clearance
- Available with tension or tension & compression
- NEW Series 3 to series 2 reducing adapters now available.

Extended Range Tap Adapters (NTER)
Extended range adapters allow you to tap sizes that are beyond the normal range of a holder.
- Specials available upon request
- Recomended for light duty applications

Torque Control Tap Adapters (TA-TD)
Internal clutch will stop the tap from spinning when the bottom of the hole is reached. Adapter must be used with a holder (ACTH or LCTH) that has compression.